Popular SQL Queries for Microsoft Dynamics GP - Alba Spectrum Dallas
Released on = April 4, 2007, 4:46 pm
Press Release Author = Alba Spectrum Group
Industry = Computers
Press Release Summary = As technology advances, computer professional needs balanced level of SQL querying skills to support ERP application, sufficient to be able to produce queries for reporting, minor data repair, transaction auditing. Typical scenarios are: month closing and the need to analyze transactions which need to be corrected via General Ledger offsets. Let's come to examples
Press Release Body = Alba Spectrum Group, http://www.albaspectrum.com help@albaspectrum.com 1-866-528-0577, 1-630-961-5918
As technology advances, computer professional needs balanced level of SQL querying skills to support ERP application, sufficient to be able to produce queries for reporting, minor data repair, transaction auditing. Typical scenarios are: month closing and the need to analyze transactions which need to be corrected via General Ledger offsets. Let's come to examples:
The following query will give you transactions which are originated in SOP with SOP number starting with SLS-10, where distribution goes to Cost of Goods Sold account
b.ACTNUMBR_1+\' \' +b.ACTNUMBR_2+\' \' +b.ACTNUMBR_3 as Account, a.JRNENTRY, a.DEBITAMT, a.CRDTAMNT, a.SOURCDOC, a.REFRENCE, a.DSCRIPTN, a.TRXDATE from GL20000 a join GL00100 b on a.ACTINDX
Web Site = http://www.albaspectrum.com
Contact Details = Alba Spectrum Group, http://www.albaspectrum.com help@albaspectrum.com 1-866-528-0577, 1-630-961-5918
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